Panama City Beach Flags

What's With The Panama City Beach Flags?

flags on the beach

The beaches of Panama City Beach are lovely. The white, quartz sand, the open space to play, relax, and stroll along the water's edge, and time to maybe just sit and reflect. Bring a drink and a book. Do whatever you like. It's all about having a good time while you're there. So, what is with the Panama City Beach flags all along the breath of the coastline?

At the same time, those warm waters of the Gulf Of Mexico can be slightly deceiving. While clear, aqua blue, and absolutely gorgeous, there are times that wind and weather can affect those same waters and make them potentially dangerous.

This is where we keep you safe by making you well aware of any dangers, whether it's choppy waters, rip currents, or dangerous sea life.

beach signs panama city beach

When the weather in Panama City Beach affects the beach waters, you'll notice color-coded flags pop up along the coastline. They are situated about one mile apart from one another.

You'll discover that there are life guard stations dotted along sands, but you are ultimately responsible for you and your family. If the weather is too bad, those stations may be unmanned. Pay attention to the color of the flag and take heed. Here is what each color means:

If you see a Green Flag standing tall, it is telling you that the waters are producing a low hazard and that conditions are favorable for swimming. Enjoy the water, but always keep aware of your surroundings. The ocean is an unpredictable lady.

A Yellow Flag is saying there exists moderate surf and conditions, and is at a medium hazard level. This would probably make for great surfing. Once again, be aware of what is going on around you. Always be aware of possible rip currents.


A rip current is a strong, narrow current of water that flows away from the shore, perpendicular to the beach. They are most common at low tides and in areas with sandbars.

You can spot the possibility of a rip current if you notice the water is unusually choppy,  some odd discoloration, or debris or foaminess moving seaward. Be aware.

Rip currents can move at speeds of up to 8 feet per second and can also be very wide, up to 100 yards. This makes them very dangerous, as they can quickly pull any swimmer away from shore.

If you are caught in a rip current, stay calm and don't panic. You want to conserve your energy. Do not try to swim against the current. That will just tire you out. Instead, swim parallel to the shore until you are out of the current. Once you are out of the rip current, you can swim back to shore at an angle.

A single Red Flag means high hazard, high surf, and strong currents. If you plan to go in, be extremely careful. I would probably avoid it myself.

Double Red Flags scream that the water is closed to the public. Do not go in unless you want to get yourself into some hot water. The powers-that-be do not fool around and you may easily incur some hefty fines. A first offense will get you a stern talking to. A second offense will take up to $500 of your vacation money away or/and possibly some jail time. Not a good way to spend your vacation time. You don't want your spouse and kids seeing you get hauled off to the pokey for something that could easily be avoided.

Finally, a Purple Flag means that there is dangerous marine life present. It's usually cranky jelly fish, but who knows? Best to play it safe and be really cautious about getting in.

But, I'm an old man. What do I know? Let some of the local grade school students give you the straight poop on all the flags in Panama City Beach and the conditions to be aware of. These kids did an awesome job!

What Is The Panama City Beach Flag Today?

❗❗ To stay up to date on what the Panama City Beach flags are for the day, you can get text alerts on your phone by texting "PCBFLAGS" to 888777. ❗❗

To make sure that you have the best time possible when visiting the beach, be aware of the posted beach flags for the day. Keeping yourself safe should be a priority and will keep your trip to the beach on track. Enjoy your time!

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